“Kamsahamnida” and the Moo Moo Lady

By Shiharu Yamashita

We’ve had this conversation before—about Halsey Middle School, about how I’m not Korean—but really I wonder if she has any relatives and is lonely.

6:47 AM

By Kate Brennan

In six hours, this same sun will wash over balconies and iron tables for coffee cups, ashtrays, and croissant flakes to bake in its warmth.

Missing You

By Giovanna Veiga

“I miss you too,” I say to an empty room. But if I reach, out I can feel the scruff lining his jaw, the dip in his chin, the crease at the tip of his nose, all my favorite parts of him.

The Bradford Pear Tree

By Giovanna Veiga

I run outside barefoot to see the Bradford pear tree that we planted ten years ago lying across the front yard, ripped apart by the wind.

American Holiday

By Emily Kelleher

How leaving home made me feel the weight of where I came from.


By Sara Shaygan

Every time I call, You answer.