By Paige Toglia

Since the creation of this comic in 2021, I have been further yelled at on the street, photographed on the train, and received whistles, honking, and comments. Talking about these experiences to reveal what this type of attention feels like on the receiving end is the goal of this piece. I created this comic to show how this kind of attention changes as you grow, how catcalling gets more aggressive once people perceive you as a “woman” rather than a child and the internal struggle it breeds.
Paige Toglia is a freshman illustration student from Connecticut. They enjoy visual storytelling through art and plan to become a graphic novelist post-college. They pull from their life experiences growing up in the woods as well as the experiences of those around them to create their art. When not drawing you can find them collecting old radios, lava lamps, and clocks or scavenging for more 70s clothes to wear.