He Follows Me

By Sid Carlisle
Trigger Warning: Mention of Stalking

It’s the feeling any woman is familiar with when walking home alone at dusk – I’m being followed.


Isolated Power

By Zoe Glasser

I lean my head back against the tree and look up at the darkening sky. I think about whatever I want. I don’t miss Evelyn. I don’t miss anyone.


Spitballin’ Here

By Nina Piazza

As a Dungeon Master, you have all the control in the world, and yet you have none at all.


Chasing Lizards

By Molly Matheson

I never knew color like that could exist in the dusty browns and greens of the Colorado foothills.



By Tessa Pulgar

I feel like one touch would send her crumbling into dust, leaving me with nothing but regret and an ache for my grandma.
