Share your story! Submissions for Tell Your Story Walking 2024, our fourth edition, are open. The deadline is September 22.
Submissions are open to Syracuse University Honors students and Honors program alumni. Submit your work using the form below—or at this link.
We are seeking:
⬦ writing (nonfiction stories and poetry)
⬦ visual art (including a cover image)
⬦ multimedia (audio and video stories, music/songs)
Read the complete guidelines below.
Earn civic engagement hours for submitting—up to ten hours if your work is published. See details below.
Join the email list if you’d like to receive updates.
Submission Guidelines
We are seeking original work based on personal experience. The story might be a childhood memory, family portrait, character sketch, conversation, travelogue, scene from your hometown—any sort of story that shares a slice of your life and point of view.
If you want to write something but are not sure where to start, you can find some creative nonfiction ideas here.
You may submit stories created for the Tell Your Story Walking writing course or for other courses, as well as other work. We encourage submissions from those with nontraditional writing backgrounds, as well as experienced writers. We aim to include diverse voices and perspectives in this collection.
For visual art, we are seeking work to publish in the magazine and on the website, including an image for the cover.
You may submit up to three stories in the following categories.
1. Snapshots. Share a vivid, personal, meaningful moment, past or present. Drop us right into your experience, preferably writing in present tense, and keep it short: under 200 words. For examples, take a look at previous snapshots.
2. First-person creative nonfiction stories on any topic. Submissions can be prose, poetry, or hybrid forms, and any length up to (roughly) 1,200 words.
3. Graphic stories. Comics and other types of stories combining visual art and text are welcome.
4. Visual art. This could include photography, painting, drawing, collage, and mixed media—individual images as well as short series.
5. Multimedia. Audio or video stories, music, songs, and more.
If you’d prefer to publish your story anonymously or under a pseudonym, note that in the questions/comments field of the submission form.
Thanks for sharing your story!
Contact us
Connect on Instagram: @tellyourstorysyr
Civic engagement credit
Honors students who submit their work to Tell Your Story Walking can log one civic engagement hour. Students whose work is published can receive up to ten hours of civic engagement (including the one hour for submitting).
For requesting credit, use this form. The supervisor is Jeffrey Pepper Rodgers,
Students whose work is published in multiple editions may log a maximum to 20 civic engagement hours for the project.