organic shaped drawing

By Romi Moller

When I was 7, my parents announced to my sisters and I that we would be moving to Australia. At the time, we were living in Israel. Not knowing a word of English, you can imagine how stressed, confused, concerned, and anxious I was. When I was 11, my parents announced to my sisters and I that we would be moving to France. The feeling of leaving a place I grew to know and love was stress invoking, yet I was excited to be exposed to a new culture where I can use my English speaking skills while learning how to speak French. When I was 14 years old, my parents announced to my sisters and I that we would be moving to America. The feeling of excitement did not leave my mind for a while. I was looking forward to being exposed to the American lifestyle, big shopping malls, the American food, and the education. Each place that I have lived in has exposed me to a different feeling. Each one of the attached drawings represents the ways in which I felt in every move. I chose not to title the drawings so that the viewer can interpret the feeling they experience when they see the piece on their own.

Romi Moller is a student in the School of Architecture. Romi was born in Israel, grew up in Australia and France, and is currently living in the Chicago area. Romi has always loved expressing her creativity through drawing.