Late Night Snow


I dragged my tired body out of Bird one late exam week night with a sinking heart, and I was shocked by this beautiful frame. I love SU, the place that has supported me for four years already. Each winter, the pure white snow surprises me with the amazing white filter it adds to our lovely campus. On that night, the trees under the snow looked just like angels with silver-white hair, standing in the dark and lighting up my mind. A voice sounded in my head, “See the trees that suffered the bitter cold? They now harvest new beauty and life. Isn’t it the same for you?” 

Junhui (Carol) Yang comes from China and is a senior dual-majoring in nutrition science at the Falk College of Sport & Hunan Dynamics and psychology at the Arts & Sciences College. She is an undergraduate researcher and research assistant for obesity and omega-3 fatty acid related study. She likes playing tennis, swimming, and writing calligraphy. She enjoys being a volunteer at the Food Pantry Program and the SUNY Upstate Hospital in her extracurricular time.