To: My Past Love

From: Arya Narang

Dear You,

It’s been over a year since our last date, since the last day you kissed me, the last day you touched me. It’s been over a year since I broke up with you, I left you, I lost you. Why then do your letters, your gifts, your memories still sit in my drawer, collecting dust, recording the time that has passed since? The origami ring, slightly crumpled, the jar of “Things I Love about You,” the last letter you wrote to me that talks about our forever. Why didn’t they go with the trash during move-out? Why didn’t I let them go? Will I ever be able to forget the feeling of excitement, insecurity and warmth when your eyes met mine? Will I ever be able to forget the feeling of your hand sitting slyly on my thigh or the feeling of my leg sitting comfortably over yours? Maybe the thought of possibly never finding love again frightens me, or maybe it makes these feelings, these memories harder to forget. Maybe deep down I hope that someday, somehow we find love in each other again. Maybe I hope that your words “yours truly,” “yours and only yours,” can sometime be written again. Until then, I continue revisiting the four years we shared, the mistakes I made, the guilt I have. Until then, the love we once had will stay in my drawer, stay in my head. 

Forever grateful, 

forever regretful, 

forever yours? 

Yours truly

Arya Narang is a Sophomore Architecture student from Bangalore, India. She enjoys dancing, playing the piano, designing, and writing occasionally. She is a member of the Alpha Rho Chi Skopas Chapter (the professional fraternity for design students) and is also involved in clubs inside the School of Architecture.