
By Sarah Wells

No big evolution comes without a stomach full of doubt.

Daughter (Derogatory)

By Eden Stratton

Two little words—they/them—on my Instagram profile had finally given me away.

Finding Home in Fruit

By Ash Murray

Small enough to rest comfortably in the palm of my hand, a little orange feels like the only piece of home I have left.

Home Away From Home

By Ash Murray

In all my dreams of home and the future, I never thought it would look like this.

No Sugar in My Tea

By Simone Bellot

She dipped the tip of her nail bed into a saucer 
And swirled the liquid that spilt over from the cup of shitty tea 


By Simone Bellot

The worker, the straw vendor, horse wrangler, storekeeper, beggar, and everyone in between keep the spirit of Bay Street alive.